I am trying to copy some pictures from one folder and move it to another folder using batch. I am having trouble in setting the path since the path contains spaces in it.If I remove the spaces from folder it works fine but with spaces it gives error that cannot find the path.. here is the code.
@echo off
SET odrive=%odrive:~0,2%
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set backupcmd=echo
set backupcmd=xcopy /s /c /d /e /h /i /r /y
set "filesw=C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Numerical Analysis\*.png"
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /s /b %filesw%') do (
if "%%~xi"==".pdf" set "dest=D"
if "%%~xi"==".docx" set "dest=P"
if "%%~xi"==".zip" set "dest=Z"
if "%%~xi"==".rar" set "dest=Z"
if "%%~di"=="C:" if "!dest!"=="Z" set "dest=!dest!3"
%backupcmd% "%%i" "%drive%\Personal\PICS\Wedding\Barat\MOVIE!dest!\"
@echo off
It would be really helpful if you guys help me fix this path problem.
The solution to your problem, specifically "setting the path since the path contains spaces in it" leading to "cannot find the path" is to "quote the filespec" Thus:
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /s /b "%filesw%"') do (
In this way, the string between the double-quotes is used literally (although certain special characters with a meaning to batch like &^)!
need to be escaped; that is, preceded by a caret ^
). As you have it, the dir
command will be executed with multiple arguments since spaces are separators and the variable filesw
will be substituted literally into the dir
command before execution - and like most commands, dir
uses spaces (commas, tabs, semicolons) as separators.