I am currently working on struts upgrade(migrating from struts 1.x to 2.x)
My project has a custom tag handler class for formatting numbers in the application
TLD file
FormatNumberTag class
public class FormatNumberTag extends TagSupport
protected String name = null;
protected String property = null;
protected String scope = null;
protected String format = null;
//getters and setters of above member variables
public int doStartTag() throws JspException
// Look up the requested bean (if necessary)
Object bean = null;
if (RequestUtils.lookup(pageContext, name, scope) == null)
return (SKIP_BODY); // Nothing to output
// Look up the requested property value
Object value = RequestUtils.lookup(pageContext, name, property, scope);
if (value == null)
return (SKIP_BODY); // Nothing to output
String output = null;
if (format.equalsIgnoreCase(MyConstants.PRICE_FORMAT))
output = CustomConverter.priceFormat(value); //custom class which formats number
else if (format.equalsIgnoreCase(MyConstants.PERCENTAGE_FORMAT))
output = CustomConverter.positionFormat(value); //custom class which formats number
ResponseUtils.write(pageContext, output);
// Continue processing this page
return (SKIP_BODY);
<f:formatNumber name="AccountBean" property="floatingRate" format="percentage" />
Here, AccountBean is the bean, floatingRate is the property & percentage is the format.
1) In tag handler class above, (org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils)RequestUtils.lookup & (org.apache.struts.util.ResponseUtils)ResponseUtils.write methods are used which are part of struts1 library.
2) In JSP, 3 values/attributes(accountBean, floatingRate, percentage) are passed in the custom tag.
How to pass attributes to custom tag in struts 2?
How to pass bean, property & format to custom tag in struts 2? Please provide an example
In a Struts2 application, you can easily make use of the internationalization support in conjunction with the s:text
tag in order to render formatted text.
By adding the following messages to the internationalization property files associated with the action or by defining a global message file via struts.custom.i18n.resources
format.price.with.currency={0,number,#,###,##0.00} {1}
Then in order to render them, your JSP code might resemble the following:
<!-- Render listItemPrice using the format.price layout -->
<s:text name="format.price"><s:param value="accountBean.listItemPrice"/>
<!-- Render listItemPrice with currency code -->
<s:text name="format.price">
<s:param value="accountBean.listItemPrice"/>
<s:param value="accountBean.currencyCode"/>
<!-- Render percentage -->
<s:text name="format.percentage">
<s:param value="accountBean.floatingRate"/>
If you need custom formatting, you can also leverage the s:component
<s:component template="/components/numeric-format.ftl">
<s:param name="type" value="%{'price'}" />
<s:param name="value" value="%{accountBean.floatingRate}"/>
You can then define the /components/numeric-format.ftl
freemarker template and add any specific logic you need
<span class="<#if parameters.value < 0>negative</#if><#else>positive</#else>">
<@s.if test="${parameters.type?default('')} eq 'price'">
<@s.text name="format.price">
<@s.param value="${parameters.value}"/>
<#-- add other if blocks for various types and formats -->