I am trying to display selected bar value in bubble like this while tap on Bar.
I have implemented chartView.drawMarkers = true;
as suggested but still while i tap on particular bar its not shows value in bubble as shown in the image.
Please help me i stuck here.
My coding language is objective-c
not swift
Have you implemented the chart marker and assign it to chart view? Check out ChartsDemo's line chart view controller:
BalloonMarker *marker = [[BalloonMarker alloc] initWithColor:[UIColor colorWithWhite:180/255. alpha:1.0] font:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:12.0] insets: UIEdgeInsetsMake(8.0, 8.0, 20.0, 8.0)];
marker.minimumSize = CGSizeMake(80.f, 40.f);
_chartView.marker = marker;