I have an app that I'd like to be able to get the localized string for a certain key, regardless of what my current localization on the iPhone is.
I have the following in an en.lproj localized strings file
"Black" = "Black";
In the es.lproj localized strings file I have
"Black" = "Negro";
So what I would like to do is get the Spanish string when my phone is in the US and set up accordingly
I'm using the following code:
let bpath:String = NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource("es", ofType: "lproj")! as String
let bundle = NSBundle(path: bpath as String)
let thisWord="Black"
let ourWord=NSLocalizedString(thisWord, bundle: bundle!, comment: "")
I'm expecting to get "Negro" in the value for ourWord, but I always get "Black"
Am I missing something obvious?
Actually my code works fine. I had made the stupid mistake of not setting the "Localizable.strings" file as localized.
Feeling pretty dumb right now