I use WU api to get some hourly weather data. The API returns a Json with multiple hourly values and I want to query the one that I need:
"response": {
"features": {
"hourly": 1
"hourly_forecast": [
"hour": "13","hour_padded": "13","min": "00","min_unpadded": "0","sec": "0","year": "2015","mon": "12","mon_padded": "12","mon_abbrev": "Dec","mday": "30","mday_padded": "30","yday": "363","isdst": "0","epoch": "1451509200","pretty": "1:00 PM PST on December 30, 2015","civil": "1:00 PM","month_name": "December","month_name_abbrev": "Dec","weekday_name": "Wednesday","weekday_name_night": "Wednesday Night","weekday_name_abbrev": "Wed","weekday_name_unlang": "Wednesday","weekday_name_night_unlang": "Wednesday Night","ampm": "PM","tz": "","age": "","UTCDATE": ""
"temp": {"english": "60", "metric": "16"},
"dewpoint": {"english": "34", "metric": "1"},
"condition": "Clear",
"icon": "clear"
... more FCTTIME
This is my code to get hourly_forecast
as array:
$jsonRequest = file_get_contents("weather.json");
$data = json_decode($jsonRequest, true);
$array = @$data['hourly_forecast'];
I need to get the temp
and condition
for "hour": "13"
. So the PHP would print something like: The weather is $condition with $temp degree.
You should be able to loop over the set of hourly forecasts, and when you find the one that matches the hour you are looking for, get the values you want from that forecast and then break out of the loop.
foreach ($data['hourly_forecast'] as $forecast) {
if ($forecast['FCTTIME']['hour'] == 13) {
$condition = $forecast['condition'];
$temp = $forecast['temp'];