I need to check to see if the current date is during daylight savings time. In pseudocode that would be like this:
let date = NSDate()
if date.isDaylightSavingsTime {
I haven't been able to find the solution to this anywhere on the internet.
An NSDate
alone represents an absolute point in time.
To decide if a date is during daylight savings time or not
it needs to be interpreted in the context of a time zone.
Therefore you'll find that method in the NSTimeZone
class and not
in the NSDate
class. Example:
let date = NSDate()
let tz = NSTimeZone.localTimeZone()
if tz.isDaylightSavingTimeForDate(date) {
Update for Swift 3/4:
let date = Date()
let tz = TimeZone.current
if tz.isDaylightSavingTime(for: date) {
print("Summertime, and the livin' is easy ... 🎶")