I have 3 different charts inside 3 different div tags that appear and hide when specified. However, two of the charts randomly resize and i know why. How do i fix this? I have wordpress and using visualizer plugin for my charts. have the code in the header.php file and in the text portion of the page specific code.
Code below:
Header.php snippet -
var divs = ["Daily", "Weekly", "Monthly"];
var visibleDivId = null;
function toggleVisibility(divId) {
if(visibleDivId === divId) {
visibleDivId = null;
} else {
visibleDivId = divId;
function hideNonVisibleDivs() {
var i, divId, div;
for(i = 0; i < divs.length; i++) {
divId = divs[i];
div = document.getElementById(divId);
if(visibleDivId === divId) {
div.style.display = "block";
} else {
div.style.display = "none";
HTML page snippet -
<div class="inner_div">
<div id="Daily">[visualizer id="431"]</div>
<div id="Weekly" style="display: none;">[visualizer id="430"]</div>
<div id="Monthly" style="display: none;">[visualizer id="429"]</div>
<div class="main_div">
<div class="buttons">
<a href="#" onclick="toggleVisibility('Daily');">Daily</a> | <a href="#" onclick="toggleVisibility('Weekly');">Weekly</a> | <a href="#" onclick="toggleVisibility('Monthly');">Monthly</a>
A quick fix is to include call visualizer.render();
at the end of your toggleVisibility
function toggleVisibility(divId) {
if(visibleDivId === divId) {
visibleDivId = null;
} else {
visibleDivId = divId;
The problem is caused by invalid calculation of available area for divs that aren't visible at the time. Calling this method forces a re-calulcation of the svgs and ensures the right size.