Syntax error: Invalid CSS after " grey": expected ")", was ": ("
on line 42 of D:/treehouse(2015)/modular_sass/1-Getting_Modular_with_Mixins_and_Functions/video-5/start/scss/_config.scss
from line 1 of D:/treehouse(2015)/modular_sass/1-Getting_Modular_with_Mixins_and_Functions/video-5/start/scss/application.scss
i dont know why iam getting this error while compiling the $paletts
color map
i also have compass installed...
my map:
$paletts: (
grey: (
xx-light: lighten($grey, 43%);
x-light : lighten($grey, 35%);
light : lighten($grey, 12%);
base : $grey;
dark : darken($grey, 8%);
x-dark : darken($grey, 16%);
black: (
light : lighten($black, 12%);
base : $black;
dark : darken($black, 8%);
i'm also getting the following error when i try to watch my project via compass. does anyone know what's happening???
in sass maps key-value pairs are separated by commas not semi-colon