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Create survey form in Yii2 with multiple choice answers

Im new to Yii, and would appreciate any help. I need to create a page with multiple choice poll. My models look like this:


id int
title varchar


 id char  //one letter - answer option
 question_id //FK pool_question(id)


user_id int
question_id int //FK poll_question(id)
answers         //will be stored like A,B,C
indicated_answer //alternaive answer specified by user

Sample question looks like:

What do you think about us?
(checkbox)A. Good  
(checkbox)C.Other (indicate) (textbox goes here)

Im not sure if Im doing it right, my controller:

public function actionSurvey($user_id)
     $model = [new PollResult]; 
     foreach($model as $model_item){
         $model_item->user_id= $user_id;

         if ($model_item->load(Yii::$app->request->post())) {
           //only one item received, why??

    return $this->render('survey', ['model' => $model]);


<?php $form = ActiveForm::begin(); ?> 
   <?php foreach(PollQuestion::find()->all() as $question) {?>
   <?php foreach($model as $model_item) { ?>

   <?= Html::activeHiddenInput($model_item  , "user_id"); ?>
   <?= $form->field($model_item, 'answers')->checkboxList(ArrayHelper::map($question->pollAnswers, 'id', 'title')?>
   <?= $form->field($model_item, 'indicated_answer') ->textInput()?>
   <?php } }?>

   <div class="form-group"> 
   <?= Html::submitButton(Yii::t('app', 'Send'), ['class' => 'btn btn-success' ]) ?> </div> 

<?php ActiveForm::end(); ?> 

The problem is that in controller i receive only one item in array. Im not sure what am I doing wrong.


  • It is correct that one model entry is returned. In your form, you are creating a single model and passing that to the form.

    public function actionSurvey($user_id)
         $model = [new PollResult];
           // ...
        return $this->render('survey', ['model' => $model]);

    You can then expect a single model back.

    Have a look at this related issue on how you can solve this. Utilising Yii2.0 checkboxlist for Parent-child relation models