I would like to do search for advanced search. The Search feature has and/or for every category. User can choose any combination of and n or. Here i give the screenshot
I store the and/or into variable call $pil, $pil1,$pil2 and $pil3. And will put them in query. it's better than validate one by one every condition of and/or
So this is my query using postgresql in PHP
$query = pg_query("SELECT evaluationdate,onlinename,channel,topik,reviewername,sourceevaluation,evaluation
from AgentPerformance
where onlinename like '%".$VEOn1."%'
".$pil." reviewername like '%".$VERev1."%'
".$pil1." channel like '%".$VEChan1."%'
".$pil2."sourceevaluation like '%".$VESource1."%'
".$pil3."evaluationdate between '".$VEStart1."' and '".$VEEnd1."'");
The problem now, All the variables must not be empty or the query will be error. any way to trick this?
You've missed some spaces near sourceevaluation and evaluationdate
Try with this query :
$query = pg_query("SELECT evaluationdate,onlinename,channel,topik,reviewername,sourceevaluation,evaluation
from AgentPerformance
where onlinename like '%".$VEOn1."%'
".$pil." reviewername like '%".$VERev1."%'
".$pil1." channel like '%".$VEChan1."%'
".$pil2." sourceevaluation like '%".$VESource1."%'
".$pil3." evaluationdate between '".$VEStart1."' and '".$VEEnd1."'");