I'm using taglib# to input mp3 title and artist names as metadata parsed from file names. To do this, I'm essentially looping through a list of file names, parsing the names, creating a taglib file, changing the tags, then saving and disposing of the taglib file. Oddly enough, in my circumstances, I noticed that there seems to be a maximum length for strings that tags can take as input after the first file has been successfully changed.
Here is a small scale example I am running now.
foreach (string path in files)
using (TagLib.File f = TagLib.File.Create(path))
f.Tag.Title = "000000000011111111112222222222333333333344444444445555555555"
As output, the first file touched has the correct title field:
But each file after it only has a portion:
You can see it in explorer:
The results are the same no matter the field modified. Also, explicitly calling Dispose() on the taglib file does not change anything. Why could this be?
It seems I always ask a question right when I'm on the brink of finding an answer. I did a little more digging and found that this answer also solves my problem. In short, make sure that the right version of Id3 is in use.
Aside: I found that this also solved another issue I was having with unicode being turned into question marks in the output. A nice bonus!