I have a variable that has a specific set of answer options. In my model I have:
validates :article_type, presence: true
enum article_type: [ :type1, :type2, :type3 ]
I have the following model test:
test "type test" do
assert @article.valid?
@article.article_type= "type1"
assert @article.valid?
@article.article_type= "type5"
assert_not @article.valid?
Error: The line @article.article_type= "type5"
generates the error:
ArgumentError: 'type5' is not a valid article_type
For all other sorts of validations where I include invalid data and then use assert_not
these kinds of tests work. Why not in this case? How should I rewrite this model test?
Here's the explanation from Rails team: https://github.com/rails/rails/issues/13971
If you want to test that invalid values are rejected, use assert_raises
to expect the ArgumentError