All the code I can find revolves around loading images directly into visual controls.
However, I have my own cache system (converting a project from another language) and so I as efficient as possible want the following:
I am new to swift and ios platform, but as far as I can tell, cgimage is as close as it gets? However, there does not appear to be a way to load an image from he file system when using cgimage... But i have found people discussing ways for e.g. UIImage, so I am now doubting my initial impression ha cgimage was the best match for my needs.
It is easy to get confused between UIImage
, CGImage
and CIImage
. The difference is following:
UIImage: UIImage
object is a high-level way to display image data. You can create images from files, from Quartz
image objects, or from raw image data you receive. They are immutable and must specify an image’s properties at initialization time. This also means that these image objects are safe to use from any thread.
Typically you can take NSData
object containing a PNG
representation image and convert it to a UIImage.
CGImage: A CGImage
can only represent bitmaps. Operations in CoreGraphics, such as blend modes and masking require CGImageRefs
. If you need to access and change the actual bitmap data, you can use CGImage
. It can also be converted to NSBitmapImageReps
CIImage: A CIImage
is an immutable object that represents an image. It is not an image. It only has the image data associated with it. It has all the information necessary to produce an image.
You typically use CIImage
objects in conjunction with other Core Image classes such as CIFilter
, CIContext
, CIColor
, and CIVector
. You can create CIImage objects with data supplied from variety of sources such as Quartz
2D images, Core Videos image, etc.
It is required to use the various GPU
optimized Core Image filters. They can also be converted to NSBitmapImageReps
. It can be based on the CPU or the GPU.
In conclusion, UIImage
is what you are looking for. Reasons are:
You can get image from device memory and assign it to UIImage
You can write UIImage in your desired format to device memory
Would have added code samples but all these are basic questions which have been already answered on Stackoverflow, so there is no point. Not to mention adding code will make this unnecessarily large.
Credit for summarizing differences: Randall Leung