I have component hierarchy parsys -> parentcomp -> childcomp
node has some properties.
I am trying to access parent parentcomp
properties at childcomp
I am not sure how to do this.
Any idea how to get a parent node properties. I know following code, gives me the path having parent node as one of selector. But, not sure how to get to exactly specific node and read those properties.
<%= currentNode.getPath() %>
Thank you, Sri
There are many ways to achieve this.
Using the Resource API, where the resource
object is available through inclusion of the global.jsp
ValueMap parentProps = resource.getParent().getValueMap(); //in latest versions of AEM
ValueMap parentProps = resource.getParent().adaptTo(ValueMap.class); //older versions
Using the Node API using the currentNode
PropertyIterator propertyIterator = currentNode.getParent().getProperties()
I would personally prefer using Resource API to achieve the same as it makes it a lot simpler to handle the properties.