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groovy html template ' yieldUnescaped ' is ignored in ratpack

I am trying to inject a partial html into GTPL file, but it seems always "escapes" html content. How can send HTML snippet to markup and render it directly?

Contents of "hello.gtpl"

yieldUnescaped '<!DOCTYPE html>'
html {
    yieldUnescaped text

From ratpack.groovy

    get('helloplain') { //works .but clumsy
        String htmlPayLoad = "<!DOCTYPE html>  <html>  <title> Hello </title><body> <h3> Hello </h3> </body> </html>"
    get('hellotemplate') { //ex: /users/
        String text = "<title> Hello </title><body> <h3> Hello </h3> </body> "
        render groovyMarkupTemplate( "hello.gtpl"  ,text: text  )

localhost:5050/helloplain delivers a proper HTML where as localhost:5050/hellotemplate delivers a file that has escaped all HTML content.

<!DOCTYPE html><html>&lt;title&gt; Hello &lt;/title&gt;&lt;body&gt; &lt;h3&gt; Hello &lt;/h3&gt; &lt;/body&gt; </html>

What did I miss?


  • You need to configure the MarkupTemplateEngine in order to disable auto escaping. Here's a working example using latest stable version of Ratpack.


    import static ratpack.groovy.Groovy.ratpack
    import static ratpack.groovy.Groovy.groovyMarkupTemplate
    import ratpack.groovy.template.MarkupTemplateModule
    ratpack {
      bindings {
        module(MarkupTemplateModule) { config ->
          config.autoEscape = false
      handlers {
        get {
          String text = '<title>Hello</title><body><h3>Hello</h3></body>'
          render groovyMarkupTemplate('hello.gtpl', text: text)


    yieldUnescaped '<!DOCTYPE html>'
    html {
      yieldUnescaped text

    Output of curl against running app

    $ curl localhost:5050
    <!DOCTYPE html><html><title>Hello</title><body><h3>Hello</h3></body></html>

    For a list of which attributes are available for configuration you can check the GDK