Jones and Launchbury described in their paper "Lazy Functional State Threads" the ST monad. To ensure that mutable variables can't be used outside the context (or "thread") they have been created in, they use special types, including one of higher rank. Here four important examples:
newVar :: ∀ s a. a -> ST s (MutVar s a)
readVar :: ∀ s a. MutVar s a -> ST s a
writeVar :: ∀ s a. MutVar s a -> a -> ST s ()
runST :: ∀ a. (∀ s. ST s a) -> a
In order to get the idea behind that construction I read the first two sections of the paper. The following explanation seems to be central:
Now, what we really want to say is that
should only be applied to a state transformer which usesnewVar
to create any references which are used in that thread. To put it another way, the argument ofrunST
should not make any assumptions about what has already been allocated in the initial state. That is,runST
should work regardless of what initial state it is given. So the type ofrunST
should be:runST :: ∀ a. (∀ s. ST s a) -> a
The explanation is fine, but I wonder how it maps to the final definition of the required type. My
problem is that I don't know how to interpret the type variable s
. As stated in Section 1, a state
is essentially a mapping from variables to values. But what is a state type s
? In what can a state
type s
differ from another one t
? For me there are two possibilities:
(1) The type s
can be seen as the concrete type for a mapping of variables such as lists, arrays
and sequences can be seen as concrete types for sequential collections. (I intentionally avoid here
the words "class" and "implementation" as there is no class restriction on the type of s
(2) The type s
can be seen as a concrete value, i.e. a concrete state, i.e. a concrete mapping of
Interpretation (2) maps nicely to Jones' and Launchbury's explanation of the type of runST
. The
all-quantification expresses the independence of the actual state (which is fully described by the
state type). The flaw in this interpretation is however the type of writeVar
. As it clearly
modifies the state, it should be of type ∀ s a. MutVar s a -> a -> ST t ()
. So this
interpretation must be false.
Interpretation (1) however is not really better because it doesn't map to Jones' and Launchbury's
explanation. The type ∀ s a. ST s a -> a
for runST
would be fine. The important thing is that
there mustn't be any assumption about the concrete value of the state (of type s
) which is given
to the function. Hence the all-quantification shouldn't be over the state type but (instead) over
the concrete value of the state. The type system must express that the result of the stateful
action, which is given to runST
, is independent of the state (but not independent of its type).
Hence both of my interpretations are false. I really tried to understand everything of this type construction. Is there someone who can explain that to me?
PS. I have already read the thread [How does the ST monad work? but it didn't help me. When I do the unification algorithm with my hand I see, that the mechanism works and how it works (by using the limits of scopes) but I really want to understand it – not just see that it works.
The explanation is fine, but I wonder how it maps to the final definition of the required type.
Okay, so let's back way up to what we're trying to do, and how it differs from what we can already do.
We can already do functional state. This is done with the State s
monad, where State s x :: *
is isomorphic to the function type s -> (x, s)
: functions which take s
as an input and return a pair containing both some value of type x
for the monad and also a new state of type s
. With some weak typing we could even just use a Data.Map.Strict(Map)
to handle these values. For example the basic JavaScript weakly typed system has historically been enough to enable most general computation and it looks something like (omitting functions, which turn out to also be objects and have things like lexical closures to model):
data JSVariable = Undefined | Number Double | Str String | Boolean Bool | Null |
Object (Map String JSVariable)
With these we might use the State (Map String JSVariable)
monad to store a functional namespace by which we can refer to variables, initialize them to values, and manipulate them in a state thread. And then we have a function of type
runState :: State s x -> s -> (x, s)
which we can fill in and also truncate to get:
fst . flip runState Map.empty :: State (Map a b) x -> x
More generally we might immediately be able to generalize this to make the Map
be a Monoid
or something.
different?First off, ST
wants to mutate an underlying data structure -- the above did not mutate the Map, but created a new Map which got passed on to the next thread. So for example if we write the equivalent of the paper's let v = runST (newVar True) in runST (readVar v)
we have no ambiguity above because no matter how you slice it, the data structure that you get from the equivalent of newVar True
is only a frozen-in-time snapshot of the state, not the full mutable state itself! There is no mutable state in the State s
In order to maintain the facade of a distinct namespaced state (rather than some sort of global state) we keep the notion of an ST s
monad, but now we do not give you direct access to that s
. This means that s
is something called a phantom type: it does not represent anything concrete that you can hold onto, the only value you will ever get of type s
is undefined :: s
, and even then, only if you consciously choose to make it.
Since we never will give you a value of type s
there is no point to you ever having functions which do anything with it; for you, it will always be a type variable to be filled in by the underlying plumbing. (Let's not get into what exactly the plumbing does.)
Second, ST
therefore allows a much greater range of type safety than the above weakly-typed system! We can now have each newVar :: x -> ST s (MutVar s x)
return an encapsulated reference of this type MutVar s x
. This reference contains a pointer to the state that it lives in, so it will never make sense in any other context -- and it also has its own distinct type x
, so it can already hold any type, and it can be rigorously type-checked.
So we've started with the general idea of what we want to achieve: we want to be able to define threads of type ST s x
, where s
is in general left as a type variable but x
is a value that we are interested in computing, and then eventually we should be able to plug them into a function which looks like:
runST' :: ∀ s a. (ST s a) -> a
This idea "smells right" because it (a) is analogous to something similar in the State s
monad, and (b) you should be able to take an ST s a
, cook up a blank state for it, and then run the computation to return a purely functional a
But... there is a problem. The problem is that at this point in the paper we have several functions like newVar :: x -> ST s (MutVar s x)
which copy the internal threaded state type s
into the "output" space of this monad. Even though we do not get a value of type s
we still get the type variable s
, which as you'll recall is some sort of general namespace for some chunk of mutable state. Other functions like readVar :: MutVar s x -> ST s x
will then let you create other state threads which depend on this specific mutable state.
So that's the key word: specific. The type of newVar :: x -> ST s (MutVar s x)
contains a nonspecific or general s
, it will work for any s
. But if you runST (newVar True)
you get a MutVar s Bool
for some specific s
, the one that was used in the computation. We want to make sure that runST
only takes general s
's and not specific ones.
Put another way, newVar
has type x -> forall s. ST s (MutVar s x)
(see the forall
that forces the variable to still be free?) while readVar
has type MutVar s x -> ST s x
(no forall
-- by itself, or with a specific MutVar
from another computation, this has a specific s
to it). The s
only transitions from being specific to general if for every readVar
we also include the newVar
that generated the object passed to readVar
, to get that forall s
that keeps the term general!
So the paper's essential problem is: how do we redefine ST
to make sure that the state is not specific? It has to be the case that what comes out of readVar
cannot be fed to runST
but what comes out of newVar True
and even what comes out of newVar True >>= readVar
can both typecheck when fed to runST
And their answer is, we add to the syntax of Haskell, saying "this type variable must still be a free type variable!" This is done by writing runST :: forall x. (forall s. ST s x) -> x
. Notice that the forall s.
is now contained within the function argument to say "hey, this parameter has to be a general, free type parameter in this expression."
This blocks the parallel-thread crap from type-checking and therefore makes the whole system correct.