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CKReference List update

I have a CKRecord with a CKReferenceList field. I want to add an additional CKReference to the CKReferenceList... I found this reference in stack overflow that gives a stellar example of how to download list from a CKReference List.

 var ksubs:[CKRecordID] = []
        for kSubscribers in record?.objectForKey("rexReferenced")  as! [CKReference] {

But I need to do the inverse, I want to add an additional element to an existing CKreferenceList list. What is the CK equivalent to .append element?


  • Bon, managed to figure out how to ask the right question and found the answer here.

    How to modify CloudKit Reference Lists

    Its obvious isn't it.

    CKReference *reference = [[CKReference alloc] initWithRecord:connectionRecord action:CKReferenceActionNone];
                NSMutableArray *list_a = [record_a[@"connections"] mutableCopy];
                if (!list_a) list_a = [NSMutableArray array];
                [list_a addObject:reference];
                record_a[@"connections"] = list_a;