I unexpectedly shut down my host machine and when turned it on again all my docker containers became exited.
I can see them using docker ps -a
I cant start any of them using docker start {container_id}
I get this error:
Error response from daemon: Cannot start container cc61efa31df8: [8] System error: not a directory
Error: failed to start containers: [cc61efa31df8]
Has anyone ever tried to start exited container?
I don't want to remove and recreate containers because I have some data on mysql container.
I'm on Mac, using parallels driver for docker.
Although @Thanh Nguyen Van's answer helped me to understand the problem I'm not marking it as a correct one because it seems initial problem stays unresolved.
I used docker inspect and located database volumes.
I checked them and they where empty, which makes me think that volumes where destroyed/deleted after shutdown and this is correct according to boot2docker documentation.
Changes outside of these directories will be lost after powering down or restarting the VM - to make permanent modifications see the FAQ.
So there is nothing wrong.
If anyone wants to persist data between restarts of docker-machine just make sure that you map database files to your host machine, so newly started docker-machine will mount your mapped folders as a container volume.