I am new to the world of dedicated servers and I want to build my own dedicated server using my old computer for educational purpose.
I am building a dedicated server for my old online game and I wonder how can I get the dedicated ip address. My server is Windows Server 2003 and MSSQL2000 for the database. The OS Server and Database is old and is not already supported by MS.
I already tested the game and now is working fine. All I want to know now is how can I get the static ip address to share it with my friends. Right now, the ip address I'm using is
Static IP can't just be set up, but your Internet Service Provider might be able to assign one for you.
Better option would be using some dynamic dns service. This works so that your server (or router) will send your server's IP to the dynamic dns service every now and then so the service can then re-route some named address to that ip. You may then have a named address that points to your server like myveryownsuperserver.someddnsprovider.com
Not sure if it's the best, but at some point I used No-Ip as ddns since its free http://www.noip.com/free