In my system there are different kind of request having different range in terms of memory cost and time cost.
That is, if there are types of requests R1, R2.....R100, the amount of RAM required to process the request and the response time of these request types varies a lot, even by a margin of 10 to 100 times.
Should round-robin be the right method for such scenario or does round-robin will eventually cover up most scenarios in this situation?
If round-robin is not the right choice, then are there more customizing options available on apache?
Should round-robin be the right method for such scenario or does round-robin will eventually cover up most scenarios in this situation?
We did a 36 hour run (duration stress test) and 4 hour run (peak stress test) with full volume data for 50 concurrent users, 100 concurrent users and finally 350 concurrent users. There wasn't any difference in the CPU and RAM utilization among the different VMs which we were trying to do load distribute.
We did multiple such runs and the difference between CPU and RAM utilizations were not significant enough.
So, I think it will be fair to conclude that round-robin does cover a lot of scenarios including this one and is the right method to use for load distribution in this scenario.