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Is it possible to use custom images for UML items in plantUML?

PlantUML is very powerful when you would like to create standard UML diagrams.

But I currently think about using PlantUML to document EIP routes (like the routes on these images:

This would be pretty easy if you could specify another image instead of normal boxes for a class. Something like an SVG or WMF image or a shape script as in Sparx Enterprise Architect.

The only custom images I found in the documentation where those tiny sprites...


  • From the PlantUML's Language Specification

    Legacy HTML

    You can mix Creole with the following HTML tags:


    • <img:file> : the file must be accessible by the filesystem
    • <img:> : the URL must be available from the Internet

    It appears that it shouldn't be a problem. There is also a PlantUML Word Plug-in, that would possibly enable you to paste images over the default ones otherwise.

    The following PlantUML code renders a simple diagram - the referenced images have to be in the proper location...

    object "inbound message" as m1
    object "XML Splitter" as s1
    m1 : <img:MessageIcon.gif>
    s1 : <img:SplitterIcon.gif>
    m2 : <img:MessageIcon.gif>
    m1 -> s1
    s1 -> m2

    enter image description here