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Session problem using Facebooker with Ruby on Rails

I am reading the book Facebook Platform Development in order to try to code a small game for Facebook, and I have come across a "little" problem: I am trying to insert a user every time this is logged, into a database in my computer. I am using a couple of methods written in the book, but there seems to be a couple of problems:

  1. I can't seem to retrieve the session_key from Facebook using the Facebooker helpers for RoR, and thus this value is null into the table in my database.

  2. Every time I reload the webpage, I can see that even though the facebook_id is the same, the same user is added in another row to my table in the database, even though it shouldn't; it's just supposed to update the attribute session_key if this changes -anyway, right now this is null.

These are the three methods I am using in order to perform all this:

def self.for(facebook_id,facebook_session=nil)
    user = User.find_or_create_by_facebook_id(facebook_id)
    unless facebook_session.nil?

  def store_session(session_key)
    if self.session_key != session_key
      update_attribute(:session_key, session_key)

  # Re-create a Facebooker::Session object outside a request
  def facebook_session
    @facebook_session ||= returning Facebooker::Session.create do |session|
      # Facebook sessions are good for only one hour storing

Thanks a lot in advance to everybody!1.


  • Hey sadly facebook changes its API all the time!

    Make sure that the book is up to date and that none of the API has changed as of when the book was written. Also check that the gem is also up to date.

    I personally use when dealing with facebook. It makes calls to the facebook graph (