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CIQRCodeGenerator Providing Inconsistent Results

I am experiencing a problem using CIQRCodeGenerator to create a QR code: when I generate the code at first, it is crisp, but when I run the function again, with the same input, the QR code becomes blurry:

Initial Run (more clear):

initial function run

Second Run (more blurry):

second function run

The following function is first called in viewWillAppear and subsequently triggered after the user taps a button.

func generateQRCodeFromString(string: String) -> UIImage? {
    let data = string.dataUsingEncoding(NSISOLatin1StringEncoding)

    if let filter = CIFilter(name: "CIQRCodeGenerator") {
        filter.setValue(data, forKey: "inputMessage")
        filter.setValue("H", forKey: "inputCorrectionLevel")
        let transform = CGAffineTransformMakeScale(10, 10)

        if let output = filter.outputImage?.imageByApplyingTransform(transform) {
            return UIImage(CIImage: output)

    return nil

A sample project illustrating the problem is available here:

Is there a reason why the UIImage becomes blurry after the function is run a second time with the same input?

EDIT - Added More Information

override func viewDidLoad() {
    qrCode.image = generateQRCodeFromString("test", size: qrCode.frame.size);

override func viewWillLayoutSubviews() {
    qrCodeWidth.constant = self.view.frame.width * 0.8;
@IBAction func buttonTapped(sender: AnyObject) {
    qrCode.image = generateQRCodeFromString("test", size: qrCode.frame.size);


  • I'm not sure why the blurriness changes between runs (maybe an internal implementation detail), but in Objective-C code I worked around this by making the QR code and then manually writing the image into a larger sized bitmap context.

    I took a stab at porting that code to Swift and came up with this:

    func generateQRCodeFromString(string: String, size: CGSize) -> UIImage? {
        guard let data = string.dataUsingEncoding(NSISOLatin1StringEncoding),
            let filter = CIFilter(name: "CIQRCodeGenerator") else { return nil }
        filter.setValue(data, forKey: "inputMessage")
        filter.setValue("H", forKey: "inputCorrectionLevel")
        guard let image = filter.outputImage else { return nil }
        let extent = CGRectIntegral(image.extent)
        let scale = min(size.width / extent.width, size.height / extent.height);
        let (height, width) = (extent.height * scale, extent.width * scale)
        let colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceGray()
        let bitmapInfo = CGBitmapInfo(rawValue: CGImageAlphaInfo.None.rawValue)
        guard let bitmapContext = CGBitmapContextCreate(nil, Int(width), Int(height), 8, 0, colorSpace, bitmapInfo.rawValue) else { return nil }
        CGContextSetInterpolationQuality(bitmapContext, CGInterpolationQuality.None)
        CGContextScaleCTM(bitmapContext, CGFloat(scale), CGFloat(scale))
        CGContextDrawImage(bitmapContext, extent, CIContext().createCGImage(image, fromRect: extent))
        if let scaledImage = CGBitmapContextCreateImage(bitmapContext) {
            return UIImage(CGImage: scaledImage)
    //        You might need to use this instead:
    //        return UIImage(CGImage: <#T##CGImage#>, scale: <#T##CGFloat#>, orientation: <#T##UIImageOrientation#>)
        return nil

    Will that work for your use case?

    BTW, I don't think this caused your issue, but you weren't unwrapping data (dataUsingEncoding(_:) returns NSData? not NSData).