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How to convert Drawable into int and vice versa in Android

I want to convert Drawable into int and then vice versa.Basically I want to save Arraylist object into sharedPrefrence. For that purpose I have Implement Gson to Srtring convertion Method. If I use here Drawable instead of int then Gson String convertion take alot of time. so I want to use int instead of Drawable.

 private List<AppInfo> apps = null;

   public void setIcon(int icon) {
    this.icon = icon;


Where AppInfo here is

    public AppInfo(String appname, String pname, String versionName, int versionCode, int icon, int color) {
    this.appname = appname;
    this.pname = pname;
    this.versionName = versionName;
    this.versionCode = versionCode;
    this.icon = icon;
    this.color = color;

Here is source of Converting ArrayList of Custom object into String so that i can save it to SharedPrefrence.

            Gson gson = new Gson();
            String JsonAppsdata = gson.toJson(apps);
            utility.StoreData(getApplicationContext(), JsonAppsdata);


  • Int -> Drawable:

    Drawable icon = getResources().getDrawable(42, getTheme());

    Drawable -> Int:

    (I assume, that you're populating List<AppInfo> apps with app's whose icons are already in res/drawable folder of your app)

    Once you set your R.drawable.app1 to ImageView, you can also give it a tag to identify the resource in the ImageView later:

        ImageView appIcon1ImageView = (ImageView)findViewById(;
        // Once you need to identify which resource is in ImageView
        int drawableId = Integer.parseInt(appIcon1ImageView.getTag().toString());

    If your icons are coming from server - the only way is to store them to disk and then re-load them. (or, better, rely on the already existing image-caching solutions like picasso)

    UPD: There's no direct way of converting Drawable into int, but in this particular case, it's possible to get the int, instead of Drawable from PackageManager:

    ApplicationInfo applicationInfo = mContext.getPackageManager().getApplicationInfo(apps.get(position).getPname(),1);
    int icon= applicationInfo.icon;