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How do I convert the value of a TextView to integer

I am designing a basic BMI calculator and I have the calculator working, but I need to convert the calculated answer from a TextView which is a double to an integer to enable me right statements with <> operators based on the calculated answer.
How do I convert the answer from the TextView to an integer?


    return v;

public void onClick(View v) {

    switch (v.getId()) {


            try {

                EditText w = (EditText) getView().findViewById(;
                String value = w.getText().toString();
                EditText h = (EditText) getView().findViewById(;
                String value1 = h.getText().toString();

                TextView ans = (TextView) getView().findViewById(;
                Double l1 = Double.parseDouble(value);
                Double l2 = Double.parseDouble(value1);
                ans.setText(Double.toString(l1 / (l2 * l2)));                                     

            catch (Exception e)
                new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity()).setNeutralButton("OK",null).setMessage("ALL FIELDS ARE REQUIRED TO COMPUTE YOUR BMI! ").show();




  • First, The conversion is NOT from textview to int. textView aint a datatype. If you want the result in int use parseInt() method. int i = Integer.parseInt(value).


    Try this, this will work.

    TextView tv = (TextView) findViewById(;
    EditText et = (EditText) findViewById(;
    try {
    double d = Double.valueOf(String.valueOf(et.getText()));
    tv.setText(String.valueOf( (int) d));
    }catch (NumberFormatException e){
    Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Enter valid number.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

    I have simplified it for your understanding. The code can still be optimized.