I am solving a 1st order differential equation in matlab.
where c value is constant 55 but q value is changing with respect to time i.e from 0 to 1 second q=500 and 1 to 2 sec q=0.
I have made this program in Matlab:
when plotting a graph between t and y it is giving straight line (linear,directly proportional).
function dq =myode45function(t,y)
How can i tell matlab that q value is changing w.r.t time.
You don't. At least not if you want to use ode45
since the step size regulator requires that the ODE function be very smooth, and a jump in the ODE function is the opposite of that.
Using a fixed step size method you may use conditionals or step functions to get the effect:
function dq =myode45function(t,y)
if t>1 and t<2 then Q=0 end
However, for variable step size integrate the pieces between the jumps separately using anonymous functions to specialize a generic ODE function with parameters.
Or use events to force the integrator to pass exactly through the jump point.