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Downloading a pdf using RSelenium

What I am trying to do with RSelenium package is,

Step:1 Access a website - My own electric utility provider

Step:2 Access my account by explicitly providing my username and password (That's the reason I am unable to share the code)

Step:3 I click 'VIEW MY BILL'. The bill is displayed in pdf format.

Is there a way to download that file and save to specific folder? When I used download.file() command, it does not save the document, rather I get a 3KB pdf file that I am not able to open. Adobe Reader says that there is an error reading the document.

Possible method that I tried: 1. Right clicking, Pressing down arrow four times and then get to 'SAVE PAGE AS' click Enter.

But then it pops a dialog box asking for file name and location and I am not able to enter those details via RSelenium and save the file.

Example code: Some random PDF found online.

url<- ""

remDr <- remoteDriver()


  • I found the answer on continuous research.

    Firstly check whether Rtools is installed (Found the answer using this link)

    Then updated my program

      "plugin.scan.plid.all" = FALSE,
      "plugin.scan.Acrobat" = "99.0",
    remDr <- remoteDriver(extraCapabilities=cprof)

    Trying still to change the download folder which I am not able to find yet. I found the answer from THIS link