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(C#) TcpClient does not connect to irc server (Using a number ip)

So, I have been trying to make a bot that connects to a local irc server. The problem is that if I call the "Irc.cs" class I made with a constructor like: Irc irc = new Irc("", 6667); irc.joinChannel("#test") it does not show up on the irc server channel. The thing is I don't think it failed to connect because if I put Irc irc = new Irc("", 6667) (which isn't a server) it throws an exception, but the one that is a server doesn't. I would love if someone could help :) This is the code for "Irc.cs"

        public IrcBot(String ip, int port, String nickName)

        tcpClient = new TcpClient(ip, port);
        inputStream = new StreamReader(tcpClient.GetStream());
        outputStream = new StreamWriter(tcpClient.GetStream());

        outputStream.WriteLine("NICK " + nickName);
        outputStream.WriteLine("USER " + nickName + " 8 * : " + nickName);

        public void joinRoom(String channel)
    { = channel;

        outputStream.WriteLine("JOIN " + channel);


  • One important thing here is that IRC uses CR/LF instead of LF that StreamWriters use, so you would need to create a StreamWriter like this:

    writer = new StreamWriter(stream) { NewLine = "\r\n" };

    That way it will send CR/LF at the end of each line.