Search code examples

How to make html5 date field in search toolbar to respect column width

Free jqgrid is used with Bootstrap 3. Toolbar search contains html5 date field. Date field width is bigger than column width. If column is resized, date field width is still bigger.

How to fix this so that date field width in toolbar search is not wider than its column and will not become wider than column on resize ?

Testcase is in

var serverResponse = {
        "page": "1",
        "records": "3",
        "rows": [
            { "Id": "1", IsActive:'2015-01-09' },
            { "Id": "2", IsActive:'2015-01-05' },
            { "Id": "3", IsActive:'2015-01-21' }
initDateHtmlSearch = function (elem){
  $(elem).attr("type", "date");

DateTemplate = {
    sorttype: 'date',
    formatter: 'date',
    formatoptions: {
        srcformat: "Y-m-d",
        reformatAfterEdit: true
    editoptions: {
        maxlength: 10,
        size: 10,
//        dataInit: initDateEdit
    editable: true,
    searchoptions: {
        sopt: ['eq', 'ne', 'lt', 'le', 'gt', 'ge'],
        dataInit: initDateHtmlSearch,
        size: 10,
        attr: { size: 10 }

    $grid = $("#categorysummary");

    url: "/echo/json/",
    datatype: "json",
    mtype: "POST",
    postData: {
        json: JSON.stringify(serverResponse)
    colNames: ["Id", "Active", 'Second'],
    colModel: [
        { name: 'Id', hidden: true },
        { name: 'IsActive', template: DateTemplate, width:90
        { name: 'Second', width:85

    jsonReader: {
        id: 'Id',
        repeatitems: false
    viewrecords: true


<div class="container">
    <table id="categorysummary"></table>

Note that second column in testcase behaves as expected: it is not wider than its column width.


  • Examine the modified demo which have the following code

    var serverResponse = {
            "page": "1",
            "records": "3",
            "rows": [
                { "Id": "1", IsActive: "2015-01-09" },
                { "Id": "2", IsActive: "2015-01-05" },
                { "Id": "3", IsActive: "2015-01-21" }
        dateTemplate = {
            sorttype: "date",
            formatter: "date",
            formatoptions: {
                srcformat: "Y-m-d",
                reformatAfterEdit: true
            editoptions: {
                maxlength: 10,
                size: 10
            editable: true,
            searchoptions: {
                sopt: ["eq", "ne", "lt", "le", "gt", "ge"],
                size: 10,
                clearSearch: false,
                attr: { size: 10, type: "date", style: "width:11em;" }
        $grid = $("#categorysummary");
        url: "/echo/json/",
        datatype: "json",
        mtype: "POST",
        postData: {
            json: JSON.stringify(serverResponse)
        colNames: ["Active", "Second"],
        colModel: [
            { name: "IsActive", template: dateTemplate, width: 125 },
            { name: "Second", width: 85 }
        jsonReader: {
            id: "Id",
            repeatitems: false
        viewrecords: true

    and additional CSS rule, which fix the problem existing because of the usage of Bootstrap CSS

    .ui-search-table input[type=date] {
        line-height: normal;

    UPDATE: One can resize the input[type=date] after resizing the column. See which use additionally

    resizeStop: function (newWidth, iCol) {
        var colModel = $(this).jqGrid("getGridParam", "colModel");
        if (colModel[iCol].name === "IsActive") {
            $("#gs_IsActive").width(newWidth - 7); // - padding