I am building a web application and there is a part there where I need to load records from a store given a set of ids. The way I went about this was to get all the ids, store them in an array, and then load the store with that array as an extra param.
Here is my code:
for(var i = 0 ; i < store.count() ; i++){
console.log("id person = " + store.getAt(i).get("ID_PERSON"));
console.log("id array = " + idArray);
store = Ext.getStore('borrowerListStore');
idArray: idArray
callback: function(records, operation, success) {
var total = operation.request.scope.reader.jsonData['total'];
var message = operation.request.scope.reader.jsonData['message'];
console.log("message = " + message);
First, I go though my initial store then get all the ids and store them in an Array. After that, I declare my store, I get the proxy, I set the params, and then I use the idArray I assembled as the array.
The console line shows me proper values for example 77, 24, 80
so I know that I passed 3 values.
Then in my PHP code linked in the read
method of my store, I do this:
else if(isset($_GET['idArray'])){
$idArray = $_GET['idArray'];
$array = $idArray;
for($i = 0 ; $i < count($idArray) ; $i++){
array_push($array, $idArray[$i]);
$sql = "SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE ID IN(".implode(',',$array).")";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
$res->message .= " Loaded data ";
$res->message .= " sql = " . $sql;
$res->message .= " idArray = " . $idArray;
$res->message .= " array = " . $array;
$total = mysql_fetch_array($totalquery);
So that when the store loads and I enter the callback function, I can see the messages that got returned.
However, when I console out the messages, it seems to me that only the last array element is the only thing that my PHP received because the log would look like:
message = Message start Loaded data sql = SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE ID IN() idArray = 80 array = 80
What's happening here? Why can't I seem to pass an array as extra param?
First of all, I am not sure whether you really want to transmit arrays as GET parameters. If the arrays become bigger, you run into max URL length issues. I would definitely recommend to use POST and transmit JSON to the server.
ExtJS 4.2.2 sends the array to the server correctly, I have checked in a fiddle that this cannot be the issue.
But I am not sure whether PHP understands the format in which it is sent. It seems as if when I call test.php?x=1&x=2
, $_GET['x']
is not an array [1,2]
, but only a number 2
. I am not sure why, though, I have not looked into PHP code. As a quick hack you could use
idArray: idArray.join(',')
on the client side to transmit the ids as a string instead of array, and decode that string back into ids with
$array = array_map("intval",explode(",",$_GET['idArray']));
on the server side. (If you don't use intval
and use the string without any check in the SQL query, you are prone to SQL injection attacks.)