Due to some strange circumstances, random long text fields in my Microsoft Access database appear to be corrupting and being replaced with "################". I want to be able to count the number of corrupted fields with an SQL query so that I can quickly check if the number has changed.
I have written a query that can count the number of records with corrupted values, but not the total fields (e.g if 5 records have 13 corrupted values, I can get the number 5 but I want the total number of 13). How can I adjust my query?
SELECT Count(*) AS [Number of Errors]
FROM GPInformation
WHERE Profile="################"
OR Notes="################"
OR CriminalConvictionsNotes="################"
OR HealthIssueNotes="################"
OR NextOfKinAddress="################"
You can add conditional logic to the select
SELECT (sum(iif(Profile = "################", 1, 0)) +
sum(iif(Notes = "################", 1, 0)) +
sum(iif(CriminalConvictionsNotes = "################", 1, 0)) +
sum(iif(HealthIssueNotes = "################", 1, 0)) +
sum(iif(NextOfKinAddress = "################", 1, 0))
) AS NumBadValues
FROM GPInformation
WHERE Profile = "################" OR
Notes = "################" OR
CriminalConvictionsNotes = "################" OR
HealthIssueNotes = "################" OR
NextOfKinAddress = "################";