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Override Properties file in Spring WebApp at Runtime

I am loading properties file in my Spring WebApplication using PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer as below:

        <property name="locations">

Now, I want to override some of the properties from, so I created an additional entry in my application-context file reading this post, as follows:

<context:property-placeholder location=""
        order="-1" ignore-unresolvable="true" ignore-resource-not-found="true" />

Then, in my Tomcat Server, in VM Arguments of launch configuration, I supplied additional entry:


With overridden values for some of the keys I have to override.

But, WebApp is not picking up the values from Can anybody help me in figuring out, what I am missing.

Any help will be appreciated. Thanks!


  • What I did to resolve the problem is, replaced the location attribute as ${}/, as follows:

            location="${}/" order="-1"
            ignore-unresolvable="true" ignore-resource-not-found="true" />

    And supplied value from application-server/jvm as:

    Reference: 6-tips-for-managing-property-files-with-spring.