I'm trying to check in strings the presence of predefined substrings and then want to count() the elements that match these formats.
My example follows:
<!-- xslt code snippet; this is what I did, but I don't know
how to count() them, I'm getting something like 111 as output :|
<xsl:for-each select="automobile">
<xsl:if test="contains(name_and_class, 'J.TK') or
contains(name_and_class, 'P.LO') or contains(name_and_class, 'M.GA')">
<xsl:value-of select="name_and_class"/>
<!-- how can I count() them here-->
<!-- xml code snippet -->
<name_and_class>Mercedes B.OO</name_and_class>
<name_and_class>Hummer P.LO</name_and_class>
<name_and_class>Audi J.TK</name_and_class>
<name_and_class>Ferrari M.GA</name_and_class>
<name_and_class>Mercedes F.BQ</name_and_class>
You can use predicate (expression in []
) to filter elements, for example assuming that we have the following well-formed XML as input :
<name_and_class>Mercedes B.OO</name_and_class>
<name_and_class>Hummer P.LO</name_and_class>
<name_and_class>Audi J.TK</name_and_class>
<name_and_class>Ferrari M.GA</name_and_class>
<name_and_class>Mercedes F.BQ</name_and_class>
this template will output count of name_and_class
elements that match the criteria without using xsl:for-each
<xsl:template match="/root">
<xsl:value-of select="count(automobile[
contains(name_and_class, 'J.TK') or
contains(name_and_class, 'P.LO') or
contains(name_and_class, 'M.GA')
output :