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sp_executesql not setting a variable correctly in a dynamic sql query in SQL Server 2012

In query below, I am trying to set the value of @productsExist using a dynamic query that is executed by sp_executesql in SQL Server 2012. The problem is that even though the table @tableName exists and contains records, the value of productsExist is always null after the dynamic query is executed.

Question: Why is the query returning null for @productsExist even when the the table exists and has records?

DECLARE @productsExist INT;
DECLARE @countQuery NVARCHAR(MAX) = 'IF OBJECT_ID(@tableName, N''U'') IS NOT NULL 
                     begin  select top(1) @productsExist = 1  from ' + @tableName + ' end';

EXECUTE sp_executesql @countQuery, N'@tableName varchar(500),@productsExist INT',
              @tableName = @tableName,
              @productsExist = @productsExist;

select @productsExist as ProductsExist--returns always a NULL value for ProductsExist


  • You need to declare @productsExist parameter as OUTPUT:

    [ OUT | OUTPUT ]

    Indicates that the parameter is an output parameter

    DECLARE @productsExist INT
            ,@tableName SYSNAME = 'tab';
    DECLARE @countQuery NVARCHAR(MAX) = 
    N'IF OBJECT_ID(@tableName, N''U'') IS NOT NULL 
      begin  select top(1) @productsExist = 1  from ' + QUOTENAME(@tableName) + ' end';
    EXECUTE dbo.sp_executesql 
            N'@tableName SYSNAME ,@productsExist INT OUTPUT',     -- here
            @tableName = @tableName,
            @productsExist = @productsExist OUTPUT;               -- here
    SELECT @productsExist as ProductsExist;


    If there is no records in specified table the @productsExist will return NULL. If you want 1 for existing and 0 for no records use:

    DECLARE @countQuery NVARCHAR(MAX) = 
    N'IF OBJECT_ID(@tableName, N''U'') IS NOT NULL 
        IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM '+ QUOTENAME(@tableName) + ')
           SELECT @productsExist = 1
           SELECT @productsExist = 0



    table not exists          => NULL
    table exists no records   => 0
    table exists >= 1 records => 1