In C# if I use a struct like shown below and do an equality comparison , values of the fields of the struct would be compared and I would get a result true if all the fields have same value.This is the default behaviour.
struct PersonStruct
public PersonStruct(string n,int a)
Name = n;Age = a;
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Age { get; set; }
var p1 = new PersonStruct("Jags", 1);
var p2 = new PersonStruct("Jags", 1);
Console.WriteLine(p1.Equals(p2)); //Return True
In case of class same thing would return a value false as it is a reference type.
class PersonClass
public PersonClass(string n, int a)
Name = n; Age = a;
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Age { get; set; }
var pc1 = new PersonClass("Jags", 1);
var pc2 = new PersonClass("Jags", 1);
Console.WriteLine(pc1.Equals(pc2));//Returns False
I understand the above concept.My question is considering the above scenario is it a good idea to use structs in such simple cases instead of a class ? I have commonly seen people implement classes in such cases(e.g. simple DTOs) and do all the extra stuff to implement equality operators (such as IEquatable and overridden equals method) .
Is my understanding correct or am I missing something here ?
You should avoid the default implementation of equality for structs. If your structs contain reference type fields (as PersonStruct
does) then reflection is used to compare corresponding fields for equality, which is relatively slow. You should also implement IEquatable<T>
for your structs since calling the object.Equals(object)
method will cause boxing for both the source and argument struct. This will be avoided if the call can be resolved to IEquatable<PersonStruct>