I want to get email of element using xpath
<span id="A-1_id_1151_1997" class="">info@alexianer.com</span>
I have tried many codes and one of them is this
$html = new DOMDocument();
$xpath = new DOMXPath( $html );
$nodelist = $xpath->query( '//*[@id="accordion"]/table[4]/tbody/tr[2]/td[7]' );
foreach ($nodelist as $n){
echo $n->nodeValue."\n";
if i use id then email is displaying but with TD tag its not, as page is dynamic and id changes on every page. i think the problem is with nodeValue but couldn't figure out.
Please provide any solution.
Examining http://www.deutsches-krankenhaus-verzeichnis.de/suche/Krankenhaus/260530089-00-1.1/Alexianer-Aachen-GmbH.jsf it seems to me you can grab the nodes you want from that with something like the following XPath expression:
That is, translated in prose, ”Find any table
that has a child with a class
attribute whose value is tablehead
and which in turn has a td
child which in turn has any child whose text content is “E-Mail
”—and if you find such a table
, get the 7th td
child of the 2nd tr
descendant of it.”
If you want to get only any td
that contains a specific e-mail address, you can just check that the text context of the entire node matches that particular e-mail address, and if you only want to get the first such matching node, use the [1]
position predicate against the whole expression: