I am doing this problem on Hackerrank,and I came up with the idea, which includes splitting the input and join it afterwards (see my implementation below). However, one of the test cases contains the input (hello< multiple spaces> world), which crashed my code because the input string has more than 1 space between each words. So, I am just wondering if anyone could please help me out fix my code, and I am just wondering how to count how many spaces(esp multiple spaces) in a string in Python. I found how to count spaces in Java, but not in Python. For testcase, I attached the pic.
Thanks in advance.
My implementation:
input_string = input()
splitter = input_string.split()
final = []
for i in range(0,len(splitter)):
for j in range(0,len(splitter[i])):
# Assumed that there is one space btw each words
final.append(' ')
For Test case pic,
You can fix it by splitting with pattern ' '
splitter = input_string.split(' ')
You can also use .capitalize() method instead of splitting the token again
s = "hello world 4lol"
a = s.split(' ')
new_string = ''
for i in range(0, len(a)) :
new_string = a[i].capitalize() if len(new_string)==0 else new_string +' '+ a[i].capitalize()
Hello World 4lol
For counting number of spaces between two words, you can use python's regular expressions module.
import re
s = "hello world loL"
tokens = re.findall('\s+', s)
for i in range(0, len(tokens)) :
Output :