This is my class that I'm trying to make it Parcelable, As you can see in code I Stuck in some places in code:
public class CommentModel implements Parcelable{
public CommentModel(String comment_content, String comment_id, UserModel comment_user){
this.COMMENT_CONTENT = comment_content;
this.COMMENT_ID = comment_id;
this.COMMENT_ACTOR = comment_user;
/*== constructor to rebuild object from the Parcel ==*/
public CommentModel(Parcel source) {
this.COMMENT_CONTENT = source.readString();
this.COMMENT_ID = source.readString();
// This is where I'm stuck!
this.COMMENT_ACTOR = source............;
public String getContent(){
return this.COMMENT_CONTENT;
public void setContent(String content){
this.COMMENT_CONTENT = content;
public String getId(){
return this.COMMENT_ID;
public void setId(String id){
this.COMMENT_ID = id;
public UserModel getActor(){
return this.COMMENT_ACTOR;
public void setActor(UserModel actor){
this.COMMENT_ACTOR = actor;
public int describeContents() {
return 0;
public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
// This is where I'm stuck too! :(
public static final Parcelable.Creator<CommentModel> CREATOR = new Creator<CommentModel>() {
public CommentModel[] newArray(int size) {
return new CommentModel[size];
public CommentModel createFromParcel(Parcel source) {
return new CommentModel(source);
How should do it? Is It possible totally? if not how can handle this issue?
P.s: My UserModel() is Parcelable too of course.
if UserModel
is Parcelable
, you can use writeParcelable to write the object and readParcelable to read it back. E.g.
dest.writeParcelable(COMMENT_ACTOR, flages);
to write, and
COMMENT_ACTOR = source.readParcelable(UserModel.class.getClassLoader());
to read it back.