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How to use Local Datastore in

I have small project in android with database in Parse. So now i wanna change my data from Parse to local datastore , i enabled local datastore in Parse but i don't know how to change the code. This is my download data from Parse code:

try {
        ParseQuery<ParseObject> query = new ParseQuery<>("BUS_STOP");
        listA = query.find();
        for (ParseObject mBusStop : listA) {
            BusStop newBusStop = new BusStop();
            newBusStop.setName((String) mBusStop.get("name"));
            newBusStop.setStreet((String) mBusStop.get("street"));
            newBusStop.setStyle((String) mBusStop.get("Type"));
            newBusStop.setNext_id((int) mBusStop.get("next_id"));
            newBusStop.setBus_id((int) mBusStop.get("bus_id"));
            newBusStop.setStop_id((int) mBusStop.get("stop_id"));
            double x, y;
            x = (double) mBusStop.get("coor_x");
            y = (double) mBusStop.get("coor_y");
            LatLng a = new LatLng(x, y);
    } catch (com.parse.ParseException e) {
        Log.e("Error", e.getMessage());

My BusStop class :

public class BusStop extends ParseObject{
String name;
String street;
String style;
LatLng latLngBus;
int bus_id;
int next_id;
int stop_id;
public int getStop_id() {
    return stop_id;
public void setStop_id(int stop_id) {
    this.stop_id = stop_id;

public int getNext_id() {
    return next_id;

public void setNext_id(int next_id) {
    this.next_id = next_id;

public int getBus_id() {
    return bus_id;

public void setBus_id(int bus_id) {
    this.bus_id = bus_id;

public String getName() {
    return name;

public void setName(String name) { = name;

public String getStreet() {
    return street;

public void setStreet(String street) {
    this.street = street;

public String getStyle() {
    return style;

public void setStyle(String style) { = style;

public LatLng getLatLngBus() {
    return latLngBus;

public void setLatLngBus(LatLng latLngBus) {
    this.latLngBus = latLngBus;

My Application file :

public class FindingBusStop extends {
public void onCreate() {

How can i fix it?


  • Firstly you must 'pin' the data (the term for associating a ParseObject with the local database) to the local database when you save it. So , for example , if data is saved on pressing a button you should add the following in the setOnClickListener()

    ParseObject gameScore = new ParseObject("GameScore");
    gameScore.put("score", 1337);
    gameScore.put("playerName", "Sean Plott");
    gameScore.put("cheatMode", false);

    //The use this line to pin the Object to the local DB and save it there


    There is also another function .pinAll() or pinAllInBackgroud()

    Then in your code above in the try section you should add the following before your find() call.


    You may also want to use the findinbackground() or getinbackground() function which will fetch the data in a background thread.

    The documentation here is also helpful