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Kubernetes, Flannel and exposing services

I have a kubernetes setup running nicely, but I can't seem to expose services externally. I'm thinking my networking is not set up correctly:

kubernetes services addresses: --service-cluster-ip-range=

flannel network config: etcdctl get /test.lan/network/config {"Network":""}

docker subnet setting: --bip=

Hostnode IP:

I've got the nginx service running and I've tried to expose it like so:

[root@kubemaster ~]# kubectl get pods
nginx-px6uy   1/1       Running   0          4m
[root@kubemaster ~]# kubectl get services
NAME         LABELS                                    SELECTOR    IP(S)           PORT(S)    AGE
kubernetes   component=apiserver,provider=kubernetes   <none>      443/TCP    31m
nginx        run=nginx                                 run=nginx   9000/TCP   3m

and then I exposed the service like this:

kubectl expose rc nginx --port=9000 --target-port=9000 --type=NodePort
NAME      LABELS      SELECTOR    IP(S)     PORT(S)    AGE
nginx     run=nginx   run=nginx             9000/TCP   292y

I'm expecting now to be able to get to the nginx container on the hostnodes IP ( - have I misunderstood the networking? If I have, can explanation would be appreciated :(

Note: This is on physical hardware with no cloud provider provided load balancer, so NodePort is the only option I have, I think?


  • So the issue here was that there's a missing piece of the puzzle when you use nodePort.

    I was also making a mistake with the commands.

    Firstly, you need to make sure you expose the right ports, in this case 80 for nginx:

    kubectl expose rc nginx --port=80 --type=NodePort

    Secondly, you need to use kubectl describe svc nginx and it'll show you the NodePort it's assigned on each node:

    [root@kubemaster ~]# kubectl describe svc nginx
    Name:           nginx
    Namespace:      default
    Labels:         run=nginx
    Selector:       run=nginx
    Type:           NodePort
    Port:           <unnamed>   80/TCP
    NodePort:       <unnamed>   32033/TCP
    Session Affinity:   None
    No events.

    You can of course assign one when you deploy, but I was missing this info when using randomly assigned ports.