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How to store Incremental Data in MongoDB?

I have millions of documents in various collection.

My application has to periodically update some incremental data to MongoDB. How do I acheive this?

For every record in incremental data, if the record exists it must be updated with new values otherwise it has to be inserted.

   _id: 'some ID',
   lifnr: 12345,
   bukrs: 3455,
   amount: 500
   _id: 'some ID',
   lifnr: 12346,
   bukrs: 3456,
   amount: 5200

Assuming above is my data, with lifnr and bukrs as compound index with unique constraint. Any new records with {lifnr & bukrs} value same as any of existing should replace the old amount. If it is a new record of unique {lifnr & bukrs}, then it must insert/append it.

Guide me to the approach. Thanks


  • Based on your edit, its not really incrementing data. Its just an update with upsert set to true. Do update every time. The query ill be,

      { lifnr: 12345, bukrs: 3455},
      {$set: {amount: 5600}}
      {upsert: true}

    The above query would update amount, if the linfr & bukrs combination is found. If not found it will insert a new document.