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Fetching specific columns using list() hibernate

I have Hibernate criteria query as follows:

Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(Test.class);
ProjectionList projList = Projections.projectionList();

Here I am trying to fetch distinct values using Month and year similar to

select distinct Month, Year from table;

And finally after complete query I am using list() to fetch the criteria as:

criteriaList = criteria.list();

Now I have the criteriaList as Object with two column data Month and Year. I want to list the results of the query in criteriaList with only Month into a List<Integer>.

I have tried looping through the criteriaList and converting the fetched Object to List<Integer>, but it didn't work. How can I get only first column (Month) from the returned two columns?

Note: Setting projections to only one column (Month) will not help as I need distinct on both Month and Year


I have used the following types:

List<Object[]> criteriaList = Collections.emptyList();
List<Integer> Month = Collections.emptyList();

And since the number of months returned would be varying, I would like to add the fetched Months into a List<Integer> to perform further operations on.


  • When using ProjectionList as you shown, hibernate returns List<Object[]> on criteria.list(). In your case, object array first element (0 index) is month, and second element (1 index) is year.

    So you have to deal with a list of object array, as following:

    List<Object[]> criteriaList = criteria.list();
    List<Integer> monthList = Collections.emptyList();
    for (Object[] row : criteriaList) {
            BigDecimal month = row[0];
        catch(Exception e){
            //To deal with casting Exception, NPE and 
            //ArithmeticException if int conversion fails
        //Do what you want ...

    Of course, I am supposing"Month") is an Integer object, but I don't know, so you have to cast properly. The same for Year.

    Of course, you can also use a resultTransformer.


    I just edited my suggested block after you give more information on your comments.