I'm trying to create a connection from Matlab to stream JSON frames over a WebSocket. I've tested my python installation of autobahn and twisted using the following.
Sample driver code that uses the JSONlab toolbox to convert Matlab data to JSON form and then I compress and Base64 encode the data. Since I haven't gotten RPC to work I'm using the command-line where I need compression and Base64 encoding to avoid line-length and shell escaping issues.
clear all
close all
python = '/usr/local/bin/python'
bc = '/Users/palmerc/broadcast_client.py'
i = uint32(1)
encoder = org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64
while true
packet = rand(100, 100);
json_packet = uint8(savejson('', packet));
compressed = CompressLib.compress(json_packet);
b64 = char(encoder.encode(compressed));
message = sprintf('%s %s %s', python, bc, b64);
status = system(message);
i = i + 1;
The client code has two ways of being called. You can pass your message through the command-line or create an instance of BroadcastClient and call sendMessage.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
from twisted.internet import reactor
from txjsonrpc.web.jsonrpc import Proxy
class BroadcastClient():
def __init__(self, server=None):
self.proxy = Proxy(server)
def errorMessage(self, value):
print 'Error ', value
def sendMessage(self, message):
rc = self.proxy.callRemote('broadcastMessage', message).addCallback(lambda _: reactor.stop())
def main(cli_arguments):
if len(cli_arguments) > 1:
message = cli_arguments[1]
broadcastClient = BroadcastClient('')
if __name__ == '__main__':
The server provides an RPC client on 7080, a web client on 8080, and a WebSocket on 9080 using TXJSONRPC, Twisted, and Autobahn. The Autobahn Web Client is useful for debugging and should be placed in the same directory as the server code.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.python import log
from twisted.web.server import Site
from twisted.web.static import File
from txjsonrpc.web import jsonrpc
from autobahn.twisted.websocket import WebSocketServerFactory, \
WebSocketServerProtocol, \
class BroadcastServerProtocol(WebSocketServerProtocol):
def onOpen(self):
def onMessage(self, payload, isBinary):
if not isBinary:
message = "{} from {}".format(payload.decode('utf8'), self.peer)
def connectionLost(self, reason):
WebSocketServerProtocol.connectionLost(self, reason)
class BroadcastServerFactory(WebSocketServerFactory):
Simple broadcast server broadcasting any message it receives to all
currently connected clients.
def __init__(self, url, debug=False, debugCodePaths=False):
WebSocketServerFactory.__init__(self, url, debug=debug, debugCodePaths=debugCodePaths)
self.clients = []
def registerClient(self, client):
if client not in self.clients:
print("registered client {}".format(client.peer))
def unregisterClient(self, client):
if client in self.clients:
print("unregistered client {}".format(client.peer))
def broadcastMessage(self, message):
print("broadcasting message '{}' ..".format(message))
for client in self.clients:
print("message sent to {}".format(client.peer))
class BroadcastPreparedServerFactory(BroadcastServerFactory):
Functionally same as above, but optimized broadcast using
prepareMessage and sendPreparedMessage.
def broadcastMessage(self, message):
print("broadcasting prepared message '{}' ..".format(message))
preparedMessage = self.prepareMessage(message.encode('utf8'), isBinary=False)
for client in self.clients:
print("prepared message sent to {}".format(client.peer))
class MatlabClient(jsonrpc.JSONRPC):
factory = None
def jsonrpc_broadcastMessage(self, message):
if self.factory is not None:
print self.factory.broadcastMessage(message)
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'debug':
debug = True
debug = False
factory = BroadcastPreparedServerFactory(u"ws://",
factory.protocol = BroadcastServerProtocol
matlab = MatlabClient()
matlab.factory = factory
reactor.listenTCP(7080, Site(matlab))
webdir = File(".")
web = Site(webdir)
reactor.listenTCP(8080, web)
First a note, If you have trouble getting python working from Matlab you need to make sure you're pointing at the correct version of Python on your system using the pyversion
command and you can correct it using pyversion('/path/to/python')
clear all
close all
i = uint32(1)
while true
packet = rand(100, 100);
json_packet = uint8(savejson('', packet));
compressed = CompressLib.compress(json_packet);
b64 = char(encoder.encode(compressed));
py.twisted.internet.reactor.run % This won't work.
i = i + 1;
Another attempt involved using Matlab's webwrite
to POST to the server. Turns out webwrite
will convert data to JSON simply by passing the correct weboptions
options = weboptions('MediaType', 'application/json');
data = struct('Matrix', rand(100, 100));
webwrite(server, data, options);
This worked, but turns out to be slow (~0.1 seconds) per message. I should mention that the matrix is not the real data I'm sending, the real data serializes to about 280000 bytes per message, but this provides a reasonable approximation.
How can I call bc.sendMessage
so that it correctly manages to get reactor to run or solve this issue in another, faster way?
First, you need to make sure you're using the correct python binary. On Mac you might be using the system standard version instead of the one that Homebrew installed for example. Check the location of your python install using:
You can point Matlab to the correct version using:
this may require you restart python.
As stated above I'm using Twisted to multiplex my Matlab data to the WebSocket clients. The best way I have found to solve this problem has been simply to create a server that handles POSTS and then passes that along to the WebSocket clients. Compression just slowed things down so I send 280 kBytes of JSON per request which is taking roughly 0.05 seconds per message. I would like this to be faster, .01 seconds, but this is a good start.
server = '';
headers = py.dict(pyargs('Charset','UTF-8','Content-Type','application/json'));
while true
packet = rand(100, 100);
json_packet = savejson('', packet);
r = py.requests.post(server, pyargs('data', json_packet, 'headers', headers));
I could have used the Matlab webwrite
function, but generally I find calling out to python to be more flexible.
import sys
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.python import log
from twisted.web.resource import Resource
from twisted.web.server import Site
from twisted.web.static import File
from autobahn.twisted.websocket import WebSocketServerFactory, \
WebSocketServerProtocol, \
class BroadcastServerProtocol(WebSocketServerProtocol):
def onOpen(self):
def onMessage(self, payload, isBinary):
if not isBinary:
message = "{} from {}".format(payload.decode('utf8'), self.peer)
def connectionLost(self, reason):
WebSocketServerProtocol.connectionLost(self, reason)
class BroadcastServerFactory(WebSocketServerFactory):
def __init__(self, url, debug=False, debugCodePaths=False):
WebSocketServerFactory.__init__(self, url, debug=debug, debugCodePaths=debugCodePaths)
self.clients = []
def registerClient(self, client):
if client not in self.clients:
print("registered client {}".format(client.peer))
def unregisterClient(self, client):
if client in self.clients:
print("unregistered client {}".format(client.peer))
def broadcastMessage(self, message):
for client in self.clients:
class BroadcastPreparedServerFactory(BroadcastServerFactory):
def broadcastMessage(self, message, isBinary=False):
if isBinary is True:
message = message.encode('utf8')
preparedMessage = self.prepareMessage(message, isBinary=isBinary)
for client in self.clients:
class WebClient(Resource):
webSocket = None
def render_POST(self, request):
return 'OK'
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'debug':
debug = True
debug = False
factory = BroadcastPreparedServerFactory(u"ws://",
factory.protocol = BroadcastServerProtocol
root = Resource()
webClient = WebClient()
webClient.webSocket = factory
root.putChild('update.json', webClient)
webFactory = Site(root)
reactor.listenTCP(7080, webFactory)
webdir = File(".")
web = Site(webdir)
reactor.listenTCP(8080, web)
I got rid of the RPC attempt and just went with a straight POST. Still lots of opportunity for performance improvement.