When doing getSymbols from CSV i'm only getting dates, but no time. I have specified the date/time format, what am i doing wrong?
I'm running this command
getSymbols(symbols, verbose=TRUE, src='csv', dir="~/trading/R/Data/",format="%Y%m%d %H%M%S", col.names=c("Open","High","Low","Close","Volume"))
and the format of my CSV is
20150302 130100,50.57,50.58,50.53,50.56,263
20150302 130200,50.57,50.64,50.56,50.62,219
if i look at the imported xts
CL.Open CL.High CL.Low CL.Close CL.Volume
2015-03-02 50.57 50.64 50.56 50.62 219
No time?
Yet if i run this command on an existing dataframe (dtfrm)
as.xts(read.zoo(dtfrm, tz='', format='%Y%m%d %H%M%S'))
I get the time as expected.
As this is a current known issue, the workaround i'm doing is reading the CSV as a table then converting it to XTS.