I have an app that I need to ensure different devices are pulling from different layout folders. I need a nexus 5 (1920 x 1080) to pull from a different folder than a Note 4 (2560 x 1440).
Currently, no matter what combination of folder names, they both pull from the same folder.
I have tried:
layout-xxhdpi & layout-xxxhdpi
(they both pull from xxhdpi)
layout-sw320dp & layout-xxhdpi
(they both pull from layout-sw320dp
layout-large & layout-xlarge
(they both pull from layout-large)
What would be the proper layout folder convention for this situation?
So this seems to be the only arrangement that worked for me...
(Nexus 4 & 5)
(Note 4, Nexus 6)
(Samsung 10" tablet)
(It I take off the "port" it doesn't work...) ;-)
Thanx for all the suggestions!