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Apache serve single page application alongside WSGI process with AliasMatch

I would like to configure my Apache web server to serve both a single page application, as well as a WSGI process. I can successfully serve the WSGI app at /api using this config:

WSGIDaemonProcess myapp threads=5 user=apache
WSGIScriptAlias /api /var/www/html/myapp/setup/myapp.wsgi

As such, if a user hits /api/things the JSON data from my WSGI app (flask) is sent over.

And my home index.html file (which is served when the user hits /) works when including this:

DocumentRoot /var/www/html/myapp/myappweb/public

However, when a user visits any route that does not start with /api I would like my Apache web server to serve up index.html. For example, if the user hits /things or /things/42 I would like Apache to send them to index.html instead of throwing a 404. (I am using redux-router to handle the client-side paths.)

I got this to work in my dev environment using the node live-server package with this flag:

live-server --entry-file=index.html

Additionally, I can use AliasMatch to force all routes starting with /things to show index.html:

AliasMatch "^/things(/.*)?$" /var/www/html/myapp/myappweb/public/index.html

But what I really want is an AliasMatch regex that forces all routes, except for anything starting with /api/, to display index.html.


  • Got it!

    RewriteRule ^((?!\/[api|lib]).)*$ /var/www/html/myapp/myappweb/public/index.html

    I needed to exclude both the api dir as well as the lib dir (where my js/css files are hosted).