Nunjucks throws this error when I am restarting GULP. I cannot see what the problem might be. Unfortunately Nunjucks does not give me the file or tag where this is happening.
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Template render error: (unknown path)
Template render error: expected block end in endblock statement
at Object.exports.withPrettyErrors (D:\dev\ngs-frontend-next\node_modules\gulp-nunjucks-render\node_modules\nunjucks\src\lib.js:35:17)
at Obj.extend.render (D:\dev\ngs-frontend-next\node_modules\gulp-nunjucks-render\node_modules\nunjucks\src\environment.js:374:20)
at Obj.extend.renderString (D:\dev\ngs-frontend-next\node_modules\gulp-nunjucks-render\node_modules\nunjucks\src\environment.js:261:21)
at Object.module.exports.renderString (D:\dev\ngs-frontend-next\node_modules\gulp-nunjucks-render\node_modules\nunjucks\index.js:66:14)
at Transform._transform (D:\dev\ngs-frontend-next\node_modules\gulp-nunjucks-render\index.js:46:21)
It seems like I have the block and enblock correctly defined in my base index.html file. I have these two tags :
{% block content %}
{% endblock include "components/cmpBreadcrumb/cmpBreadcrumb.html" %}
Any ideas?
Is there a reason you are including within the endblock? I can repeat the same error you had by coupling the include
and endblock
together in the same tag.
From what I've read unless you are using a filter or something else naturally done together in a block they should be broken out into their own tags.
If you want the include that file in the content it should be before the close,
{% block content %}
{% include "components/cmpBreadcrumb/cmpBreadcrumb.html" %}
{% endblock %}