Trying to get a really basic curses menu to work. I've been following a tutorial but I've kinda split off to doing my own thing. I tried to touch on everything with comments. I just want to figure out how to get the selections to work.
import sys
import curses
import time
def menu(window, dims):
window.nodelay(0) # not sure what this does, lol
window.clear() # clear window
selection = -1 # the menu code is from the tutorial
option = 0 # so most of this is foreign to me
while selection < 0: # loop
graphics = [0]*2 # point to list
graphics[option] = curses.A_REVERSE # set graphic, reverse BKGND color
window.border() # border
window.addstr(1, dims[1]/2-2, "Menu")
window.addstr(3, dims[1]/2-2, "Play", graphics[0])
window.addstr(4, dims[1]/2-2, "Exit", graphics[1])
window.refresh() # refresh the window
action = window.getch() # get input
if action == curses.KEY_UP: # if key is up
option = (option - 1) # go up?
elif action == curses.KEY_DOWN: # key is down
option = (option + 1) # go down?
elif action == ord('\n'): # if RETURN
selection = option # make selection
window.clear() # clear all
if selection == 0: # if is 0, do nothing right now.
return # it's not changing selection
elif selection == 1: # so waiting for that to add here
def main(): # main function // ran first
window = curses.initscr() # making new window
dims = window.getmaxyx() # getting window dimensions
if not curses.has_colors(): # color test
curses.endwin() # color test
print "no colors" # color test
sys.exit() # color test
else: # color test
curses.start_color() # color test
curses.noecho() # don't echo the keys on the screen
curses.cbreak() # don't wait enter for input
curses.curs_set(0) # don't show cursor
main_loop(window, dims) # go into main loop
def main_loop(window, dims):
while menu(window, dims):
window.addstr(dims[0]/2, (dims[1]-4)/2, "Exiting...")
if __name__ == '__main__':
I was missing window.keypad(1)
to actually activate the input.
I added it just before the main_loop()