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Replacing an element in ICollection

Suppose I have an ICollection<SomeClass>.

I have the following two variables:

SomeClass old;
SomeClass new;

How can I achieve something like the following using an ICollection<SomeClass>?

// old is guaranteed to be inside collection
collection.Replace(old, new);


  • There is no black magic here: ICollection<T> is not ordered and only provides Add/Remove methods. Your only solution would be to check if the actual implementation is something more, such as IList<T>:

    public static void Swap<T>(this ICollection<T> collection, T oldValue, T newValue)
        // In case the collection is ordered, we'll be able to preserve the order
        var collectionAsList = collection as IList<T>;
        if (collectionAsList != null)
            var oldIndex = collectionAsList.IndexOf(oldValue);
            collectionAsList.Insert(oldIndex, newValue);
            // No luck, so just remove then add