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Return value from Q_INVOKABLE function In QtWebEngine


Is there anyway to get return value of Q_INVOKABLE function in Qt webEngine without passing callback function ? (Qt Documentation) . Like what we were doing in Qt WebKit .

More Information About Question

In QT4 and Qt WebKit i could get my function result as QVariant and cast it to JSON or any other type.

For example in my c++ project i have the following function that return application's version as QVariant.

Q_INVOKABLE QVariant getAppVersion();

I could simply use the following line in my HTML file and get result.

var applicationVersion = ApplicationObject.getAppVersion();

Now With Qt 5.5 and Qt WebEngine i have to use following form in order to get the result.


function myResultFunction(result){

I'm using QT 5.5 And Visual Studio 2013.

Thanks in Advance


  • Well, There is not other way. You have to pass callback function.

    But with using promise in javascript, It gets alot better!

    Good luck